I'm called to write about this topic when I know a few cases of 'pointing fingers' going on in my office.
I'm not sure whether it is slander or not. In this modern days, slander can be committed through the use of technology, ie email, SMS, websites and so on. Ok, so I won't call this case in my office as slander, cause I'm afraid I'd be making accusations too.
No, I'm just sad how sometimes one can be too busybody, and too 'caring' about other people, until another someone gets the blame. Stories are being made up, exaggerated, and ended in the 'other' people (who might be innocent) getting so miserable. Small problems were exaggerated until it become huge. Everyone in my office kept talking, sometimes the story changes. Ha, tu macam mana pulak? Now, won't everybody be involved in a slander then? Nauzubillah. Ya Allah, I pray for your shelter from any kind of involvement in a slander.
I remember, when I was in school, Ustaz and Ustazah always talked about the hukum of slander. I never thought that when I grow up I would be involved in one (although indirectly). Kalau ikut tu, dulu-dulu memang kita banyak dengar yang ni boleh buat, yang tu tak boleh buat, dosa, pahala semua, tapi sekarang, we seldomly do.
'Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menuduh perempuan-perempuan yang terpelihara kehormatannya, yang tidak terlintas memikirkan sebarang kejahatan, lagi yang beriman, akan dilaknat (oleh Allah) di dunia dan di akhirat, dan mereka pula akan beroleh azab seksa yang besar.' - (Surah An-Nur; ayat 23)
'Those who slander chaste women, indiscreet but believing, are cursed in this life and in the Hereafter: for them is a grievous Penalty.' - (Surah An-Nur; ayat 23)
Walhahu'alam. May we all be avoided by this sin.
ps: I'm not good at this (dakwah), sorry for any lack of info, any unsuitable word used or if there are any mistakes, do share :)